Day 10: Leviticus 26:27-Numbers 8:14 - 90 Day Challenge

Beginning the Book of Numbers 

Proof of a promise fulfilled

We've finished the third book of the Bible already! That's crazy! 

The book of Number is interesting, for a variety of reasons. However, it can be very repetitive--so I'll just give a very brief summary for today's post.

The book of numbers begins by God commanding Moses to begin taking a census of all the Israelites. In total, there were 603,550 males over the age of twenty. 603,550 adult males descended from Jacob (aka Israel). 

God had fulfilled his promise! Time after time we have heard God say how numerous the descendants will be. And I would say 603,550 is pretty numerous.

God then sets the Levites apart from the other tribes of descendants. I believe this is because in Exodus 32, the Levites were the tribe who defended God, when the rest of the Israelites began worshiping the golden calf. While the other tribes were to work around the tabernacle, the Levites were commanded to work inside of the Tent of Meeting within the tabernacle. Each tribe within the Levites were assigned specific tasks within the temple, such as caring for the holy objects or carrying the curtains or frames. 

God then demands purity within the camp, and offers a priestly blessing onto Aaron and his sons: 

The reading finishes up with the offerings brought to the tabernacle by every tribe of the Israelites, and with Aaron purifying all of the Levites, to set them apart from the rest of the Israelites. 

A lot of this reading from Numbers was, well, numbers! The number of people and the numbers of offerings began to run together for me, anyone else?? 

But at the end of the day, the numbers are important! The numbers show how God's promise was fulfilled, and gives hope that he will continue to fulfill his promise, and bring the Israelites to the promised land. 

This was a short one today! If you have and insightful thoughts, or questions, I'd love to hear them! Leave some in the comments! 

Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Tomorrow's reading will be Numbers 8:15-Numbers 21:7.

Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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