Day 23: 2 Samuel 12:10-2 Samuel 22:18 - 90 Day Challenge

Victories from Loss 

Rejoicing in the Lord in the Midst of Despair

In today's reading, David is faced with many losses, but the reading for today ends with him rejoicing in the name of the Lord. 

It's easy to rejoice when good things are happening, and it's easy to pray when things aren't working out in our favor. But it's difficult to do the opposite. 

(yes, this is an image of Absalom crowning himself.)

  1. Our reading picks up with Nathan telling David how incredibly sinful he's been, killing a man to take his wife. Shortly after, David is faced with his first loss of the reading: his newborn son (to Bathsheeba) dies a week after his birth. He prayed and fasted that his son would get well, then went back to living normally after his son's death. 
  2. The reading then takes a dark turn, and the focus shifts from David to his son, Amnon. Amnon is in love with his half-sister, Tamar. He tricks her into staying in his room alone with him, and then proceeds to rape her. She is then forced to live with her other brother, Absalom, as a disgraced woman (who cannot marry).
  3. Absalom kills Amnon and then flees, and thus, David experiences a second and third loss. When Absalom returns to Jerusalem, after an actress paid by Joab convinces David to allow Absalom back in, things start to get weird.
  4. Absalom begins to gain more and more power, and eventually, he convinces Israel that he is the king of Hebron, and some of the Israelites follow him to Hebron where Absalom will be the ruler. Then, David orders the people of Israel to flee from Jerusalem (but leaves ten of his wives there so they can watch over the city). While he leads the Israelites who stayed as they wander around the desert, David sends one of his people to pretend to serve Absalom when he comes back to Jerusalem to serve as the king there (this was Absalom's plan all along). 
  5. A man from the house of Saul catches up to David and starts cursing him. But David tells the people who are with him to leave the man alone, because it may be a sign from God. Meanwhile, the spy David sent to Absalom arrives, and Absalom sleeps with all the wives David left behind, in order to further disgrace David. (Thinking this will simultaneously reveal if the man is a spy and solidify his power over Israel).
  6. Absalom considers sending an army to destroy David and his people, but they have already found a city where some of the people have kindly provided them with food and supplies. 
  7. When Absalom's army does come however, David sends his men into battle, and offers to go with them. The people, however, say David is too important, so he stays behind. On the way in to attack the people, Absalom gets hung in a tree (accidentally) and instead of sparing him (like David asked), Joab plunges three spears through Absalom's heart. When David hears of this afterwards, he mourns for his son Absalom, even though he had betrayed David. 
  8. When David returns to Jerusalem, he tells the Israelites it does not matter which side they were on, he will continue to rule over them and treat them fairly. The man of Saul who cursed and threw stones at David apologizes, and David spares him. 
  9. A man named Sheba tries to get the people of Israel to rebel against David, and David has him killed. But Sheba flees to a peaceful city, and when Joab explains the situation, the city kills Sheba for them, so the troops don't storm through and disrupt the city. 
  10. A famine strikes Israel for three years, and when David pleas to God, God says it's because Saul killed so many of the Gibeonites, after Israel had promised to leave them alone. The Gibeonites ask  for seven of Saul's descendents, and David hands them over, sparing Jonathon's disabled son, who he promised to protect. The the Israelites win several wars over the Philistines and David delivers a Song of Praise to the Lord, which is how the reading ends. 

I love this verse. Even in times of trouble, God is with us and will draw us up out of our misery.

This reading was, weird. And, uncomfortable at times. What sort of reactions did you experience? What were your thoughts? I'd love to hear about them!

Tomorrow's reading will be 2 Samuel 22:19-1 Kings 7:37
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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