Day 8: Leviticus 1:1-Leviticus 14:32 - 90 Day Challenge

Our journey continues into Leviticus,

God continues to show the Israelites how to live as holy people.

There isn't much to summarize from today's reading. Unfortunately, much of it is how and when they are to sacrifice burnt offerings to the Lord, the priests' duties, what to eat, how to purify oneself after childbirth, and how to prevent disease from spreading. 

Essentially, our reading breaks down like this: Ch 1-7: Holy practices, Ch 8-10: Holy priesthood, and Ch 9-14/15: Holy people. 

  • Chapters 1-7 are all about offerings. Whether it be to atone for sin, or guilt, or as an act of praise, burnt offerings were very important in the Old Testament. However, a sacrifice had to be a sacrifice
    • God takes time to specify that if you are to do an animal sacrifice, it must be a male with no defects. It must be something that you will be difficult for you to give up, but you do anyway. 
    • Please note that we, as Christians, are in no way asked or required to make animal sacrifices anymore. In the New Testament, we will find that Jesus had become the ultimate sacrifice to atone for all of our sins. 
  • Chapters 8-10 are all about priesthood. When two of Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu, who were annointed as priests with Aaron, offered an unauthorized fire before the Lord, and they are consumed by the fire.
    • As priests, they are to obey God's law and be an example for the Israelites. However, immediately following  the start of their ministry, they turn and disobey God's orders. 
  • Chapters 11-14 are interesting. They have to do eating specific foods, purification following childbirth, what to do in the event that an infectious skin disease is spotted, and what to do when mildew is found. 
    • To me, I've always seen these orders from God not only as a way to distinguish the Israelites from others, but also as a way to keep the Israelites healthy. You may have noticed that many of the foods they are commanded to not eat can be deadly if eaten when not cooked properly. (Namely, pork and insects--aside from those listed as being okay). 
    • I am unable to distinguish why the time for purification was longer for a female baby than a male baby, and many Bible commentators are also unable to determine that. The best conclusion is that it was simply the will of God. However, it should be noted that in the New Testament, no difference is made between male and female (see Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11).
    • As far as the chapters on skin infections and mildew--the practices they list, such as using oil, shaving all of your hair off (including beard and eyebrows), and burning items that are suspected to have mildew, were the best ways they knew to prevent the spread of disease. 
      • Please know that we are not required to follow these practices. If you are sick, see a doctor. Always clean as much of your house as you can with a chlorine-based bleach (like Clorox). And if you see mold, look up how to clean it properly or hire someone to take care of it
      • We have better health practices now, and a greater understanding of bacteria and fungi. Don't worry about putting special oil on a bout of ringworm or athlete's foot--go to your doctor for advice! 
One scripture from the reading I would like to point out is: 

Leviticus 6:13--The fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out. 

Maybe this is looking into things too much--but we are constantly facing sin. By keeping the fire on the altar burning continually, God has given the Israelites the opportunity to continually seek forgiveness for their sins. Likewise, we can, and should, be continuously asking for forgiveness for our sins. 

Anyway, that's all I've got for today! Any surprises? Anything that threw you off? Any questions on the reading?? Leave some in the comments! I'd love to hear some feedback and thoughts on the reading! 

Tomorrow's reading is Leviticus 14:33-Leviticus 26:26. 
Have a wonderful week!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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