Day 72: Mark 9:14-Luke 1:80 - 90 Day Challenge

Who are you for? 

In Mark 9:40 we are faced with a fact: "Whoever is not against us is for us." Whoever is not against the Lord is for Him. Believe in the resurrection, follow Christ's ways, believe in Him. And the Lord will make things possible (Mark 10:27)--so I ask you, who are you for? 

In Mark 11 we see Jesus's triumphant entry into the city where he will later be crucified. The people are shouting, "Hosanna in the highest!" they're throwing down their robes and palm leaves and making a path for him. But remember, he's riding a donkey. Just like his "triumphant" entrance into the world (in a barn, in a manger) Jesus is a man for the people. He's not on a majestic white horse--he's on a donkey. And he still accumulated a following of people. 

Then we go through the betrayal and denial and crucifixion and resurrection once again. 

And we're brought into Luke chapter 1. Luke 1 goes into much greater detail about how Jesus's birth, as well as the birth of John the Baptist, was foretold. Luke also declares why he is writing this gospel, it's because everyone will try to make connections, and he wants to show where the connections actually lie. I have a feeling Luke is going to be a bit more detailed than the last two gospels we read. 

There is one thing specifically that I'd like to point out. One concept is reiterated in Luke 1: 

In case anyone here is missing the point: there is nothing that cannot be done when one has strong faith in God, and in His power. The power of prayer is real. I've witnessed it first hand, I'm sure many of you have too--even if you haven't realized it. 

Tomorrow's reading: Luke 2:1-Luke 9:62
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC


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