Day 77: John 15:18-Acts 6:7 - 90 Day Challenge

We Need to Talk about Pilate 

Pilate--a man we've heard about over the last four books, but haven't really talked about. The man who chose Jesus's sentence. John gives us a bit more insight to the mysterious Pilate, and I'd like to discuss that a bit. See, Pilate actually realized  that there was no basis on which Jesus should be crucified, and when he tried to explain that, the people were having none of it. "Of course there is! He claims to be king, which is a disgrace to Caesar!" etc. etc. And Pilate begs Jesus to tell him anything that would save him, and Jesus says that this is all out of Pilate's hands. Pilate continued to try to set Jesus free, but no one was having it. He even said, "Really? You want me to crucify your king?" which was again met with, "We have no king but Caesar." 

Remember that sign that they hung on Jesus? The one that said, "King of the Jews?" Pilate wrote that. And the people told him to change it to, "This man claimed to be King of the Jews." But Pilate responded that he had written what he had written. Pilate came to this realization in time to stop everything, but it couldn't be stopped. Can you imagine being in his place? Knowing what was about to happen and being unable to make it stop?

Prior to this story, however, we read Chapter 17, and I recommend you read through that entirely. First, Jesus prays for himself, then for the disciples, and then for all believers. Yes, Jesus prayed for you. And I think that is an important read. 

When we move on to Acts, we read about what the disciples did following Jesus's return to heaven, as well as the forty days that he remained on Earth. After the forty days, when Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon the Earth, called Pentecost. Acts is a beautiful read, showing us how to call on Christ and continue our belief. I particularly like Acts 2, and suggest giving it a quick read. 

Tomorrow's reading: Acts 6:8-Acts 16:37
Have a blessed Sunday!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC


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