Day 86: James 3:13-3 John 14
Words of Wisdom
(Not from me)
James finishes off with some more advice: Be patient when you suffer--and don't complain about one another! Our Judge is right at our door. Give yourself time to pray when you're down, and time to praise when you're up. Prayers filled with faith, righteousness, and strength are the most powerful weapon.
So then we move on to Peter, who begins his books with a great example of praise--just check out chapter 1.
Remember, Peter and Jesus were like best friends. Peter could have taken his books and written about all the cool things Jesus did, what he did for fun on the weekends, etc. But instead, he took his words and made an example of how to live a Christian life.
It mostly serves as a reminder to follow in Jesus's footsteps (tall order, right?), and let's people know that there will be suffering as a Christian--but if we're living for God, we've got more important things to focus on.
Then, we arrive at John's 3 books. They're all pretty short, but again, very powerful. To sum it up: Don't love the world--instead, love God, because we're all his children, and love one another, because we are all created as equals. Keep your faith in God, and you will have salvation through Christ. 2 John and 3 John are examples of how to build one another up, and how to love one another.
Just two days left!
Tomorrow's reading: Jude 1-Revelations 17:18
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC
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