Day 11: Numbers 8:14-Numbers 21:9 - 90 Day Challenge

The Land of Milk and Honey

A glimpse into the promised land. 

In today's reading we've finally come to the promised land! (Sort of)

A lot of the content from Numbers 8-Numbers 21 revolved around the Israelites complaining because they didn't have something, then asking why they were brought out of Israel, and questioning Moses, Aaron, and ultimately--the Lord. Then, the Lord provides for their needs--even though they consistently question Him.

In Chapter 13, they Israelites arrive near the Promised Land (Canaan), and send in scouts to check it out. When they return 40 days later, they return to tell the Israelites that it is as abundant as the Lord had promised, but it was inhabited by powerful people who would overpower the Israelites if they tried to invade. They Israelites doubt God, His promises, and His plan for them--and again ask why they were ever brought out of Egypt. Because of  their contempt, their lack of gratitude, and their disbelief, God says that most of the Israelites will never live to see the promised land, and it will be another forty years--so the Israelites can see what it would actually be like if God were truly against them.

We then see some more laws and commandments regarding what Israelites should wear, how they should be cleansed, and the responsibilities of the holy priests, until we come to Chapter 20. The Israelites again face issue and conflict when they run low on water--and again question why they were ever brought out of Egypt, if they were only destined to die in the desert. God commands Moses to break a rock with his staff, and water will flow from it.

But God accuses Moses and Aaron of being untrusting of God. Then, Moses had found a way to get into the promised land, but is denied access. God had Aaron pass down his priestly garments to his son, and says that Aaron will die, which he does. Our reading ends with a victory when the Israelites are attacked, followed by immediate complaining (yet again). God is not as forgiving this time, and he sends a plague of poisonous snakes down to the Israelites. The people go to Moses to apologize, and Moses brings their pleas to God--who commands Moses to make a bronze statue of a snake, and whoever is bit by a snake will not be killed if they see the statue.

My favorite verse from today comes from Numbers 14:18-19

"'The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.' In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now."

Even in the midst of loss, famine, and frustration, Moses continues to see the blessings the Lord has provided and continues to seek forgiveness for his people. He continues to view God as an incredibly loving, forgiving being and that is an absolute testament to his faith. 

Was there anything that confused or surprised you?? Let me know, leave some thoughts! 
Have a wonderful day!
Tomorrow's reading will be Numbers 21:9-Numbers 32:19.

Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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