Day 12: Numbers 21:9-Numbers 32:19 - 90 Day Challenge

Being Zealous for God 

Victories, Talking Donkeys, and another Census.

  1. Our reading begins today with two victories by the Israelites as they continue their journey. God says to Moses that he should not be afraid of these nations or their leaders, because God gave them to the Israelites, with the armies and the lands. So the Israelites struck them down. 
  2. The King of Moab, the city the Israelites were going to next, sent for a man named Balaam to come and curse the Israelites before they got to Moab. Balaam does not go with them, saying that even the King's palace filled with silver and gold would not be enough to convince him to go. On the way to Moab, Balaam's donkey sees an angel of the Lord and runs away or tries to avoid it. This happens three times. Then, God opens the donkey's mouth and states "What have I done to be beaten three times." Balaam tells the donkey that it's made him look like a fool, and then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes, so he too could see the angel of the Lord. The angel commands Balaam to continue on his way to Moab, but to speak only what the angel has told him.
  3. The King of Moab tries to get Balaam to curse the Israelites three times, but three times he blesses the Israelites. Then Balaam goes back to his home.
  4. The Israelites began having sexual relations with the people of Moab, and then began to worship the gods of the Moabites. Then Aaron's grandson saw the plague that God had placed on the Israelites, because it was displeasing to God, and drove a spear through an Israelite and a Moabite who were engaging in sexual immorality. 
  5. Phinehas (Aaron's grandson) turned God's anger away from the Israelites. Why? Because he was as ZEALOUS for God's honor as God is himself. Because of his zeal, he made complete atonement for the Israelites. Isn't that incredible? 
  6. Then God commands Moses to take another census. This time, the number of Israelites totals to 601,730 men over the age of twenty. A law also get's changed. The daughters of a man named Zelophehad, who died without any sons, don't recieve any of his inheritance and they are not married. So, they don't have anything among the Israelites. When they bring this to Moses, and Moses seeks God's guidance, and states that if there are no sons, daughters are the next in line to receive the inheritance. So Zelophehad's daughters gain the inheritance. 
  7. God appoints Moses's successor, who will take over following his death. It was Joshua, son of Nun. Joshua basically will be Moses's apprentice until his death, at which point he will become the leader of the Israelites. 
  8. The reading then covers more offerings, the offerings to make on holy celebrations and festivals, and the way vows are to be handled. 
  9. Then, God sends the Israelites to seek vengeance on the Midianites, sending 12,000 men into battle. The Israelites are victorious, and all the Midianite Kings are killed. Then, the "spoils" from the battle, the livestock, precious metals, etc. are divided.
  10. The reading ends with some of the Israelites turning their back on the Promised Land, thinking that some of the cities they conquered would be a good place to raise their newly plundered livestock. (The last time this happened, God made them wander in the desert for forty years until nearly everyone who was supposed to go to the promised land had died off). Moses reiterates that point and calls the Israelites a "brood of sinners." 

I think that is a good note to end on. Balaam had to hear a donkey talk to him before he realized he was in the presence of a holy being. The entirety of Chapter 30 is all about what happens if you are unfaithful to vows you make. And again, we see the Israelites consider turning their backs on the Promised Land. 

Even when we are unfaithful, God will keep his promises, but he will hold us accountable. 

I had a hard time reading this one for some reason, did anyone else?? Any questions or thoughts? I'd love to hear them! 

Have a wonderful day.
Tomorrow's reading will be Numbers 32:20-Deuteronomy 7:26.

Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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