Day 17: Joshua 15:1-Judges 3:27 - 90 Day Challenge

Beginning the Book of Judges

God's Promised Fulfilled, and the Israelites' Next Step

Remember the Promise God made to Moses, the covenant? Remember when God said "Every time you see a rainbow, remember the promise I made to you, to never destroy the Earth with floods again,"? 

Remember the Promise God made to the descendants of Jacob? Remember when He said that He would deliver the Israelites from their brutal slavery in Egypt?

The first eight chapters of today's reading are dedicated to the final step in God fulfilling his promise to the Israelites in delivering them to the Promise Land. They're all about how the land is to be divided up among them! They've done it! They made it through the trials of the desert, they were victorious in war, and they've been delivered to the Promise Land.


Because God said He would make it so! Because God PROMISED to bring them out of Egypt, to make many nations of them, and  to deliver them to the Promise Land. 

Because God fulfills His promises!

The Book of Joshua ends with Joshua warning the Israelites to not worship false gods, and to yield their hearts, homes, and lives to the Lord before he dies and is buried in the Promised Land. 
*Side note: remember Joseph?? His bones are also finally buried in the Promised Land.

Then we begin the Book of Judges!

It begins with the Israelites not completely defeating the remaining tribes, so a few remain among the Israelites, and spread word of false gods. 

God had raised up several judges to take the place of Joshua after his death, but the people did not listen to them, and they turned from the Lord. 

An angel of the Lord comes and reminds the Israelites of all God's promises, and the struggle they went through to get to the Promised Land. 

Following the Israelites disobedience, God raised up two men, first, Othniel, and then Ehud. They saved Israel and brought the people back to God. 

And there it is! God had fulfilled His promise! And even when the Israelites turned from Him, he sent holy leaders to bring them back. 

God calls us to save the lost! 

Tomorrow's reading: Judges 3:28-Judges 15:12
Have a wonderful day! 
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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