Day 20: 1 Samuel 2:30-1 Samuel 15:35 - 90 Day Challenge

Stay Humble, Hustle Hard

God Distributes Power

Today's reading felt like a lesson we all needed to hear, right? God placed power in today's reading into the hands of two men who were young when they came into power (Samuel and Saul). 

Following Eli's death after the wickedness of his sons had consumed Israel, God leaves Samuel, who was quite literally "brought up in the church," to be the judge of Israel. 

Things are going good for a few years (aside from the ark being stolen, but eventually returned) until the Israelites revolt and demand a king. They no longer recognize God as King, and want a human king like the secular tribes that surround them. (You know, the wicked, sinful tribes that are always causing problems.)

Samuel implores them not to, but eventually God's like, "You know what, give them what they want." And Saul, another young man, is put into the position as King of Israel. He doesn't really want to do it at first, but he comes around to it eventually. Things are working out well, going smoothly, and then they go to war with another nation (go figure.) God commands the Israelites to completely destroy everyone and everything from that tribe. But Saul, the LEADER of the Israelites, doesn't even listen to that. The Lord sends Samuel (who is, I forgot to mention, a PROPHET of the LORD) to tell Saul the shadiest comment I think we've read so far, you ready?
1 Samuel 15:23: "For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king." 

See, while it wasn't what God wanted for the Israelites, he was fine with a king, so long as the King himself was obedient to the Lord and followed the commands of the law. It even says that in 1 Samuel 15:22! But Saul was no longer humble before the Lord, and trusted himself as king before God as the true King. 

God has showed this to us--Samuel was chosen to serve the Lord from his childhood! 
But anyone in a position of power must remain HUMBLE and keep the Lord before themselves. 

Tomorrow's reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-1 Samuel 28:19
Have a wonderful day!
 Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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