Day 60: Ezekiel 12:21-23:39 - 90 Day Challenge

The Lord's Anger Explained 

We're two thirds of the way done with the 90 Day Challenge, isn't that crazy?! It doesn't feel real. Less than a month until we've read the entire Bible, 1048 pages in mine. 

I had a realization today, which may have seemed obvious to some of you, but I believe that these prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, are all prophesying at the same time. Because in today's reading, we see a similar explanation of God's wrath that we've seen in the past two books, which is completed with the sentiment that it's not anything God wants to do. But didn't God just say it would be the last time His anger destroyed His people? So how can it continue?! But, of course, these must be taking place at the same time. Seeing my thoughts verbalized, this seems like an obvious conclusion to have come to, but I was really surprised at the time. 

So, in today's reading, several allegories and metaphors are made to compare the Israelites sins against God into terms they can understand. The first (and my favorite) is comparing the Israelites to an abandoned baby, who God lovingly raised and gave the world to, but the baby then turned it's back to God, and began using His gifts for evil. The next is about two eagles and a vine, but this one takes a turn at the end. 
Image result for ezekiel 17:24

The Lord will restore Israel, and will allow them to flourish! But it will take destruction to get there. 

There are two more things that I'd like to point out from today's reading. 

Ezekiel 16:49-50 actually tells us what the sin of Sodom was. (Remember that?) It was that they were arrogant and unconcerned. It was that they didn't feed the poor and needy. It was that they were haughty, and did detestable things before God. So there's that answer. 

And Ezekiel 18:21-23, which explains repentance, and ends with this verse, "Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turned from their ways and live?" 

The Lord would much rather see the salvation of a formerly sinful man than the death of a sinner. 

Tomorrow's reading: Ezekiel 23:40-Ezekiel 35:15
Have a wonderful day! 
Jillian Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC


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