Day 69: Matthew 5:1-Matthew 15:39 - 90 Day Challenge

The Way to Be

I don't even know where to begin with today's reading. There's so much I want to talk about, and it would take me weeks to do so. Instead, I'll hit on the main points that speak to me, and the ones I talk about most often.

Our reading today starts out with the Beatitudes, and those on their own are magnificent. They are the sweetest combination of words. Read them in Matthew 5:3-12. Seriously. Read them. Do it right now. 

@BAD Ministry Students, I told you that hate is the same as murder! Check it out in Matthew 5:21-22. It will give you a whole new perspective. For those of you who do not frequently hear my big long boring speech whenever someone says they "hate" another person, here's the Cliff notes version: 

When you say you hate someone, that is the same as killing them in your heart. You have murdered them from your soul and to God, that is the equivalent of murdering their body. 

Then we get the "turn the other cheek" verse in Matthew 5:39, the love your enemies verse in Matthew 5:44, and the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. 

Jesus then points out that good deeds shouldn't be done to please other people or to show off, they should be done because they are good, and there is a heavy need for good in this world. 

We also hear that we should not worship earthly things or worry about the future, because there is a treasure waiting for us in heaven, and we will find our rest in God. 

We then see the beginnings of Jesus's ministry. Where he goes to heal the sick. He doesn't make them come tot him. He goes to them. He goes to the need. So he heals leprosy, the paralyzed, blind, and mute. And he takes a different approach to ministry--speaking in understandable tales that make God more real to the everyday person, these are called parables. 

When people confront Jesus about hanging out with "sinners" (this is literally in quotations in my Bible, Matthew 9:10-12). And Jesus says, "Hey, the healthy people aren't the ones who need a doctor." Jesus sits with sinners, and provides the weary with rest. 

Jesus develops quite the following, with thousands of people coming to see him. And do you know what he does? He feeds them. All of them. With just a bit of bread and fish. How? Go back and check out Matthew 7:7-12 (Ask, seek, knock.). 

In Matthew 14, we get to the part where Jesus walks on water! And his disciple, Peter, has absolute faith! For about 5 minutes before nearly drowning. Through Christ, all things are possible. But some things are only possible through Christ.

To sum up Matthew thus far, I'll say this: 

Matthew 7:12 provides all the answers. Don't worry about following all the laws as long as you follow this one: Do to others as you would have them do to you. Follow that to a tee, and none of the other laws will become an issue. 

I seriously cannot wait to keep reading! 

Tomorrow's reading: Matthew 16:1-Matthew 26:56
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries 
New Leaf UMC 


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