Day 70: Matthew 16:1-Matthew 26:56 - 90 Day Challenge

How to Get Ready 

You know how when you watch a really good movie and you try to explain it to a friend, but it's just too good? So you're like, "Okay, actually just go watch it for yourself. I'm doing it no justice." 

That's how I feel with the past few readings. Who am I to summarize Jesus?? He says it best, himself. So I implore you to read this. All of this. But if you're going to read anything, make it the New Testament. Life. Changing. 

Rather than go through everything in today's reading, I'm going to just touch on a concept I think is very important. 

We need to get ready. 

It said in today's reading that no one will know when the second coming is. Not people. Not angels. Not even Jesus. The only one who knows is the Lord. It could be in 5,000 years, but it could be tomorrow. There's no way to know. So, what do we do? We spend time in the word and figure it out. 

In Matthew 18, we get the parable of the Unmerciful Servant. A man is in debt, so he becomes this man's servant. But he asks to leave early, and promises he will pay him back. The master shows mercy and sets him free. But this servant goes to one of his coworkers and shakes him down, to get some money off of him that he had borrowed. The first servant is unrelenting, even though the other promises to pay him back once he gets the funds. The moral here? Show mercy to others, and the Lord will be merciful to you. 

In Matthew 21, we hear the parable of the Two Sons. A father asks his two sons to do a task. One son says no, but later has a change of heart and does it. The other sons says he'll do it, but then he doesn't. See, people can sin, and then have a soul change and come back to the Lord. But the people who say they're with the Lord, that they haven't sinned, but continue to do so, have done nothing. Talk is cheap. 

Then we get to Matthew 22--How to Get Ready 101. 2 Steps.

1. Love the Lord with everything you've got within you. 
2. Love your neighbor as yourself. (AKA treat others the way you want to be treated.) 

Everything that has ever been commanded lays in those two commandments. That's all you need to be ready. Is it easy? Nope. Is it worth it? Absolutely. 

Don't let this freak you out. The Lord is coming! But we need to be ready to accept Him.

Our reading today ends with the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. You can read all about it in Matthew 26 (trust me, you should).  

Tomorrow's reading: Matthew 26:57-Mark 9:13
Have a blessed Sunday!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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