Day 74: Luke 10:1-Luke 20:19 - 90 Day Challenge
What are you worried about?
Lesson number one from today's reading: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Luke 10
One of the key things I'd really like to discuss is the story of Mary and Martha. They were preparing for a visit from Jesus, and when he arrived, Mary stopped all the preparations and listened to everything Jesus said. Martha remained distracted, then said, "Jesus, my sister is leaving all the work to me! Tell her to help!" And Jesus simply tells her that she is worried about all the wrong things, and that Mary is concerning herself with what is important. I just think that that's a very beautiful and straightforward way of reminding us all to keep our eyes to Jesus. It doesn't matter what we have to offer him, our worldly possessions mean nothing. What matters is how we act on what we're called to do as followers of Christ.
Lesson number two: Worrying will never change the outcome.
Luke 12:22-34
We are told not to worry about the food we will eat or what we will wear, because life is more than the food we consume, and our bodies are more than the clothes we wear. And this very simple question is asked of us,
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"
Lesson number three: Don't worry yourself with others' triumphs.
In Luke 14 we hear the parable of the Lost Son. A man divides his inheritance between his two sons, and the one takes the money, goes away, spends it all, and ends up living in a poor and famished country. He begins working as a slave but still isn't getting food--and he realizes that if he goes back to his father to work as a slave there, there will at least be food for him. So he goes back, expecting to make a great apology and beg for forgiveness, but the second the man sees his son he takes him back and throws a massive party. The other son is jealous, because he stayed the whole time, never leaving or forsaking his father, and he never got a cool party.
But the father simply says, "You are always with me. Everything I have is yours. Be we must celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
Similarly, the joy of the Lord is great when one who has left Him returns. Just the same as it has always been with those who have stayed. But those who are with the Lord are with Him, no matter how long they've been there.
That is what Jesus worried himself with. And that is what we should worry ourselves with as well, if we are to follow in his footsteps. Seek those who are lost, those who are wandering, and guide them back home, back to salvation.
Tomorrow's reading: Luke 20:20-John 5:47
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC
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