Day 78: Acts 6:8-Acts 16:37 - 90 Day Challenge

Who Were You Before Salvation?

Today, I'd like to focus on just one story from Acts. The story of Paul, formerly known as Saul. 

Jesus is back in heaven, and the disciples are going crazy--spreading the word of God and the good news of Jesus like it's keeping them alive (it is, by the way.) And a new disciple, Stephen, is on fire for God in a way you wouldn't believe. People are amazed at his devotion and love for the Lord--he is truly an inspiring man! He does, however, call out some people for resisting the Holy Spirit--their free gift of eternal salvation! 

These people did not react well to this news, Saul was one of them. Their solution? Stone Stephen to death. Yikes. What's amazing here though, is that as Stephen is dying, with rocks being hurled directly at him, he prays. What did he say? "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Lord, do not hold this sin against them." He forgave his murderers in the midst of his own death! But that still not even the most incredible part of this situation. 

After Stephen died, and Christians were being persecuted and hunted down, the church scattered--and Saul was leading up the hunt. But still, the disciples all preached the word where ever they went, and had amassed quite a following. People were being healed throughout many nations. They even talk about bringing a sorcerer to God and saving him! (That's a pretty big deal at this time.) 

Meanwhile, Saul is looking for more ways to destroy the Hope of the World, and he goes to the High Priest, seeking a list of names to take prisoner. All of a sudden, Saul falls to the ground, and hears a voice say, "Why are you persecuting me?" Saul is pretty confused. The voice continues, "I am Jesus, who you are persecuting. Go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." When Saul stood up, he was blind for three days. So God sends another man from the city, Ananias, and he's like, "Go cure Saul's blindness." And Ananias says, "Yeah, okay. You sure?" But Jesus has got this. And behold, Ananias cures Saul! 

Of course, once Saul experiences this miracle from God for himself, he also begins spreading the Good Word like there's no tomorrow! He had a complete personality overhaul. During Saul's journey as a missionary, he changes his name to Paul, and leaves his past behind him. 

See, it doesn't matter who we are before our Salvation. The only thing that matters is that we are saved by the blood of Jesus, and that we have the opportunity to be better selves. 

Tomorrow's reading: Acts 16:38-Acts 28:16
Have a wonderful week!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministry
New Leaf UMC


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