Day 79: Acts 16:38-Acts 28:16 - 90 Day Challenge

It Stands to Reason...

One thing that I found interesting in today's reading is the disciples continued journey to spread the word of Christ. Can you imagine how unusual and awkward it must have felt for the disciples to walk into their former synagogues and say, "Hey, the entire religion has changed, let me tell you how."? One thing that it did say though, was that the disciples reasoned when speaking with them. They didn't just tell them and leave. And they didn't try to shove Jesus down their throats. They reasoned with them. And for the most part, it worked. If you think logically, about all the predictions that were made in the Old Testament, and then have lived to see all of them come true, it seems like reasoning would be the best option. Now, we haven't lived to see the prediction come through, that was before any of our lives. But we can still reason our way into belief. There's historical proof of Christ--he's written about beyond just the Bible--there's plenty of Roman records that detail parts of his life as well. We know, based on these records, that he lived to fulfill the prophecy of God, and we know that he sacrificed his own life so that we could live eternally. Therefore, it stands to reason that Christ is King, that he's the Lord and Savior. No force necessary. 

Acts is actually a really cool book, because it shows the disciples living the way that we as modern Christians have to live. They're no longer following Jesus and watching him perform miracles--they're living the lives of people who have seen Jesus's work and are spreading the word! 

So how? How are the disciples so successful at spreading the word of God? By using testimony. They witnessed the acts of Jesus first hand! That's incredible, and basically impossible to top. But each of us has our own personal testimony as well. Jesus has acted in each of our lives, it's how we know he's real! It's how we keep faith! And it's how we continue to keep his Word alive and spread his Salvation. 

One testimony that I really love is this one: 

It's not anything crazy. But it's still a miracle! This atheist man found Jesus--he found salvation! And it's something relatable. There's no tragedy, Jesus didn't appear to him in the flesh, but he found God, and he found peace. He had changed. And that's all a testimony has to be. The proof of Christ is in the way we change, it's in the way we experience his love. 

Remember Paul, from yesterday? His story gets a lot more interesting. There's a plot to kill Paul, for spreading the word of Christ, but he's rescued because that's not worthy of death, and is sent basically to court, for a trial. So Felix is the judge, and he really can't figure it out. Paul is placed in jail, with some freedoms, and Felix and Paul talk on and off for two years. Eventually Felix retires and a new governor takes over, Festus. Festus holds another trial and some of his Jewish accusers from the first trial say more untrue things about him. Then, Paul has to go before King Agrippa, and do you know what he does? He delivers his testimony. He says, "Hey, I lived a good Jewish life, trust me! But I was on my way to Damascus one day and..." *cue the story of Saul becoming Paul.* Agrippa tells Festus that Paul hasn't done anything wrong! But, Paul was already on his way to Rome to speak with the emperor, go figure. He has a vision that they get caught in a storm. The boat doesn't make it, but all the people do. And it comes true! But they didn't make it to Rome, they made it to Malta. Paul gets bit by a viper and heals a man of dysentery. The locals think he's a god and ask for all sort of cures. Of course, Paul heals them. And when they are all ready to finally leave for Rome, the locals send them off with supplies. 

Our reading today ends with their arrival in Rome. What will happen next?! Check it out tomorrow to find out. 

Tomorrow's reading: Acts 28:17-Romans 14:23
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC



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