Day 85: Hebrews 1:1-James 3:12

Finishing Strong! 

I'd like to start with a brief explanation and apology for my weekend-long absence. Thursday night, while taking my dogs out on leashes to potty, my two sub-20 lb dogs were attacked by a dog which weighed 40 lbs more than I did. Both dogs are okay, though one did have to undergo surgery, but it was an extremely traumatizing experience for me, and I needed some time to decompress (and figure out how to take care of a post-surgery 11-yr-old dog, and entertain a puppy who's best friend is out of commission). All three of us are okay, and the attack could have gone very differently. I praise God for allowing us to get through it with comparatively minor damages. To those of you who knew, thank you all for your support, well wishes, and prayers. 

Hebrews is a really interesting book of the Bible. And it basically does my whole job for me. It summarizes the entire Bible. (Okay well sort of. It summarizes the meaning of the Bible).  Pretty cool,  right?

It explains what exactly Jesus was. He is greater than angels, in fact, the angels worship him. It goes on to talk about the sweet deal God provided for man at first: have faith in God, and He's got your back. But remember the Old Testament? Everyone was constantly losing faith. And so God made an even sweeter deal. He sent His son to die for each and every one of our sins. And it was part of God's plan to do that. He loved us, the sinning, idiotic humans, so much that He sent His son to die. 

Remember when people had to sacrifice animals to atone for their sins? No longer necessary. Jesus's blood was the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Because it was the blood of God. This is the New Covenant we are offered, through Christ--if only we keep faith. 

Then we move on to James. We only get two and a half chapters in, but in his book, James says a quick little, "Hey guys, Jesus came! But remember, you still need to treat each other. Basically, we're going to have good days and bad ones, and they're going to suck. But we've got to remember that we've got a man up top who's looking out for us. Don't play favorites with others, because God doesn't play favorites with us. Have faith. Do good things. And watch what you say--use your words to glorify the name of God. 

Again, I'd like to apologize for my untimely hiatus.

Tomorrow's reading: James 3:13-3 John 14
Have a wonderful day!
Jill Jafarace
Director of Student Ministries
New Leaf UMC


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