Day 24: 2 Samuel 22:19-1 Kings 7:37 - 90 Day Challenge

Wise in His Young Age God Is Placed Back in the Front Seat 2 Samuel 22:29 A quick summary of the remainder of the book of 2 Samuel: David finishes his song of praise, and sings many wonderful things to the Lord. If you haven't been reading the Bible, just the summaries, I highly recommend reading 2 Samuel 22:1-51. It's worth it. Then we are presented with David's last words (he doesn't die, though, until 1 Kings Chapter 2) and a list of the mightiest men, without whom, David would not have been as successful. We are then brought to 2 Samuel 24. This can get confusing, but David was guilty after taking a census that was apparently ordered by God. However, later on in the Bible (1 Chronicles 21:1), it's revealed that it was not God who commanded the census. It was Satan, and David's prideful nature caused him to take the census. Joab even tries to talk David out of taking the census. Anyway, after the census is taken and David realizes ...